Short description

In this project, students will explore the fascinating life and work of Eratosthenes, a renowned Greek scholar who excelled in multiple fields, including mathematics, geography, poetry, astronomy, and music theory. Specifically, they will delve into one of his most famous experiments, where he managed to calculate the circumference of the Earth. By studying his methods, students will then have the opportunity to recreate the experiment themselves in the equinox of March, 2024.

Language: English

Number of pupils: 10-30   Ages taught from  16  to  17

Subjects: Astronomy, Foreign Languages, Mathematics / Geometry, Physics

Key competences: Maths and Science


The primary goal of this project is to emphasize the importance of experiments in the educational process. It aims to engage both students and teachers in experiential and collaborative discovery activities, fostering an interest in science amongst students and cultivating a positive attitude towards it. Ultimately, the project aims to establish the value of the positive sciences in helping us better understand the universe.

Work process

The project has four phases: planning, building together, creating, and sharing.

– Planning: Partners meet to discuss project objectives and upload student names on the platform. Students will use the platform at school on a weekly basis for two weeks.

– Collaborative Build-up: Participants contribute to the creation of the banner and definition of project steps for two weeks.

– Creative: Students work in transnational groups to create a transcultural product for two months.

– Sharing: Participants decide how to share their projects with communities and give feedback and evaluation for two weeks.

Expected results

– the improvement of scientific skills

– the development of critical thinking

– the advancement of teamwork

– the building of interest in the sciences

– the progress of the student’s skills in the use of English and WEB2 tools

– the application of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy to problems from the natural world

Coordinator: Efraimidou Katerina

eTwinning programm “The Experiment of Eratosthenes”