In our school, following the well-known EU’s motto ‘united in diversity’ and promoting multilingualism by focusing on modern skills, we organized the annual mock translation competition ‘Juvenes Translatores’ under the guidance of Mr. Kourmadas of the DG Translation local office in Athens.

According to the EU’s official site, studies show the ever-growing need for translation and translators in Europe. It is therefore useful for language students to be sensitized to the importance of translation as a ‘bridge’ between languages, different cultures and communication across Europe.

On 22 Dec 2023, the students of class A Αντώνιος Βαρβάρης, Γεώργιος Γκουγκούσης, Σεραφείμ Ιωακειμίδης, Κρίστι Ρίκα, Έκτορας Ταλαντινός, Χαράλαμπος Ψύλλος, Ελευθερία Ρίζου and Γλυκερία-Ευαγγελία Τουρούνογλου translated from English to Greek having to activate their linguistic skills, invent translation solutions and experience the profession of translators firsthand.

All students will receive a certificate of participation signed by the EU’s local office and the best translation from our school will be competing with others from schools around the country that were also not selected in the draft for the official competition.

We wish our students the best of luck also in participating in future translation competitions.

Coordinating teacher: Dimitra Athanaseli


Translation Competition and student participation in our school